Registration Restrictions and Overrides | Banner @ Buffalo State (2024)

How to grant overrides in Banner

Select the type of Registration Add Error that is displayed in the Status field in Banner.

  • Instructor Permission
  • CORQ_REQ (Co-requisite Requirement)
  • DUPL CRSE WITH SEC (Duplicate Course)
  • EQUIV WITH SEC (Equivalent Course)

Instructor Permission message

This status message indicates that the course a studentis trying to enroll requires the permission of the instructor for enrollment. Please note thatInstructor Permission does not override otherrestrictions (Level, Class, closed section, etc.)applicable to that course. See the instructions below togrant an Instructor Permission registration override.



  1. Sign-in to Banner
  2. Select the Faculty/Staff Services tab
  3. Select Registration Overrides
  4. Select a term and click on Submit
  5. On the Student/Advisee ID Selection page, enter student’s BID OR last and first name.
  6. On the Registration Override page under Override select Special Approval. Under Course, select the course for which you are granting special approval.
  7. Click Submit to confirm
  8. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  9. If you need to grant an override to another student, select the ID Selection link at the bottom of the page
  1. Sign-in to Banner Admin
  2. Open the SFASRPO
  3. Enter student’s BID or name (Last, First) and hit Enter
  4. Enter a term
  5. Move to the lower block by clicking on the Next Block icon or pressing Ctrl+ Page Down
  6. Under Permit, enter APPR and hit Enter
  7. Under CRN, enter the CRN for which you are granting special permission. Hit Enter
  8. Click on Save or hit F10
  9. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  10. If you need to grant an override to another student, clear the information block (use the Roll Back icon), then clear the key block (press Shift+F4 or just backspace the BID and hit Enter)

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This status message indicates thata courseis restricted to Graduate students and the student who is trying to register for the course is Undergraduate. See the instructions below togrant a Level registration override.



  1. Sign-in to Banner
  2. Select the Faculty/Staff Services tab
  3. Select Registration Overrides
  4. Select a term and click on Submit
  5. On the Student/Advisee ID Selection page, enter student’s BID OR last and first name.
  6. On the Registration Override page under Override selectLevel. Under Course, select the course for which you are granting the override.
  7. Click Submit to confirm
  8. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  9. If you need to grant an override to another student, select the ID Selection link at the bottom of the page
  1. Sign-in to Banner Admin
  2. Open the SFASRPO form
  3. Enter student’s BID or name (Last, First) and hit Enter
  4. Enter a term
  5. Move to the lower block by clicking on the Next Block icon or pressing Ctrl+ Page Down
  6. Under Permit, enterLEVEL and hit Enter
  7. Under CRN, enter the CRN for which you are granting special permission. Hit Enter
  8. Click on Save or hit F10
  9. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  10. If you need to grant an override to another student, clear the information block (use the Roll Back icon), then clear the key block (press Shift+F4 or just backspace the BID and hit Enter)

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This status message indicates that the course in which a student istrying to enroll is restricted to certain majors andthe student'smajor as recorded in the Banner system does not permitto enroll in the class. See the instructions below togrant a Major registration override.



  1. Sign-in to Banner
  2. Select the Faculty/Staff Services tab
  3. Select Registration Overrides
  4. Select a term and click on Submit
  5. On the Student/Advisee ID Selection page, enter student’s BID OR last and first name.
  6. On the Registration Override page under Override selectMajor. Under Course, select the course for which you are granting the override.
  7. Click Submit to confirm
  8. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  9. If you need to grant an override to another student, select the ID Selection link at the bottom of the page
  1. Sign-in to Banner Admin
  2. Open the SFASRPO form
  3. Enter student’s BID or name (Last, First) and hit Enter
  4. Enter a term
  5. Move to the lower block by clicking on the Next Block icon or pressing Ctrl+ Page Down
  6. Under Permit, enterMAJOR and hit Enter
  7. Under CRN, enter the CRN for which you are granting special permission. Hit Enter
  8. Click on Save or hit F10
  9. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  10. If you need to grant an override to another student, clear the information block (use the Roll Back icon), then clear the key block (press Shift+F4 or just backspace the BID and hit Enter)

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This status message indicates that the course in which a studentis trying to enroll is restricted to a certain class (e.g. Freshman, Senior, etc.) andthe student'sclass as recorded in the Banner system does not permitto enroll in the course. See the instructions below togrant aClass registration override.



  1. Sign-in to Banner
  2. Select the Faculty/Staff Services tab
  3. Select Registration Overrides
  4. Select a term and click on Submit
  5. On the Student/Advisee ID Selection page, enter student’s BID OR last and first name.
  6. On the Registration Override page under Override selectClass. Under Course, select the course for which you are granting the override.
  7. Click Submit to confirm
  8. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  9. If you need to grant an override to another student, select the ID Selection link at the bottom of the page
  1. Sign-in to Banner Admin
  2. Open the SFASRPO form
  3. Enter student’s BID or name (Last, First) and hit Enter
  4. Enter a term
  5. Move to the lower block by clicking on the Next Block icon or pressing Ctrl+ Page Down
  6. Under Permit, enterCLASS and hit Enter
  7. Under CRN, enter the CRN for which you are granting special permission. Hit Enter
  8. Click on Save or hit F10
  9. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  10. If you need to grant an override to another student, clear the information block (use the Roll Back icon), then clear the key block (press Shift+F4 or just backspace the BID and hit Enter)

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This status message indicates that the course in which a student is trying to enroll has reached its capacity and is closed.The studentshould 1) search for other sections of the course, 2) search for sections of other courses needed to fulfilltheir degree requirements, 3) contact the department offering the course (which may not necessarily be the department ofthe student'smajor).

If you decide to let a student register for a closed section, please be aware of the existing firecode restrictions and your department policy. See the instructions below togrant aCapacity registration override.



  1. Sign-in to Banner
  2. Select the Faculty/Staff Services tab
  3. Select Registration Overrides
  4. Select a term and click on Submit
  5. On the Student/Advisee ID Selection page, enter student’s BID OR last and first name.
  6. On the Registration Override page under Override selectCapacity. Under Course, select the course for which you are granting the override.
  7. Click Submit to confirm
  8. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  9. If you need to grant an override to another student, select the ID Selection link at the bottom of the page
  1. Sign-in to Banner Admin
  2. Open the SFASRPO form
  3. Enter student’s BID or name (Last, First) and hit Enter
  4. Enter a term
  5. Move to the lower block by clicking on the Next Block icon or pressing Ctrl+ Page Down
  6. Under Permit, enterCAP and hit Enter
  7. Under CRN, enter the CRN for which you are granting special permission. Hit Enter
  8. Click on Save or hit F10
  9. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  10. If you need to grant an override to another student, clear the information block (use the Roll Back icon), then clear the key block (press Shift+F4 or just backspace the BID and hit Enter)

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This status message indicates that the course in whicha student istrying to enroll is reserved for a certain group andthe studentis not a member of that group.The studentshould 1) search for other sections of the course, 2) search for sections of other courses needed to fulfilltheir degree requirements, 3) contact the department offering the course (which may not necessarily be the department ofthe student'smajor).

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The student does not have a course intheir academic history required to register for this course or it is reserved for a specific group that s/heis not a member of. Some sections are reserved for the following groups in which the student must be a member of one of these groups in order to register: All College Honors Program, Equal Opportunity Program (EOP), or Orientation (a first-time freshmen in their first semester).

If you wish to give an override for this restriction, perform the following:



  1. Sign-in to Banner
  2. Select the Faculty/Staff Services tab
  3. Select Registration Overrides
  4. Select a term and click on Submit
  5. On the Student/Advisee ID Selection page, enter student’s BID OR last and first name.
  6. On the Registration Override page under Override selectPrereq. Under Course, select the course for which you are granting the override.
  7. Click Submit to confirm
  8. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  9. If you need to grant an override to another student, select the ID Selection link at the bottom of the page
  1. Sign-in to Banner Admin
  2. Open the SFASRPO form
  3. Enter student’s BID or name (Last, First) and hit Enter
  4. Enter a term
  5. Move to the lower block by clicking on the Next Block icon or pressing Ctrl+ Page Down
  6. Under Permit, enterPREREQ and hit Enter
  7. Under CRN, enter the CRN for which you are granting special permission. Hit Enter
  8. Click on Save or hit F10
  9. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  10. If you need to grant an override to another student, clear the information block (use the Roll Back icon), then clear the key block (press Shift+F4 or just backspace the BID and hit Enter)

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CORQ_REQ message
(Co-requisite Requirement)

This status message indicates thata student isrequired to also enroll in another course in order to enroll in the sectionhe or shehas attempted to enroll in. The status message will tellthe studentif he or she canenroll in any section of the course or ifthe studentmust enroll in a specific section (CRN) ofthe course.

Co-requisitemay be any section of a course

This situation can be identified by a status message similar to the following example, where a subject and course number are displayed (as opposed to specific CRN).

Example: CORQ_CWP 101 REQ

Co-requisite must be a specific section of a course

This situation can be identified by a status message similar to the following example, where a specific CRN is displayed.

Example: CORQ_CRN 2454 REQ

In either casethe studentmust first search for appropriate course sections, add them to the registration Add Classes Worksheet and submit the worksheet.To do this, perform the following three steps:

Step 1: Select the Class Search button at the bottom of the page. Search for one of the co-requisite courses. Select the check box in the first column in the search results for the CRN you want and click the Add to Worksheet button at the bottom of the page. You are not yet registered for this course.

Step 2: Select the Class Search button at the bottom of the page again. Search for the other co-requisite course. Select the check box in the first column in the search results for the CRN you want and click the Add to Worksheet button at the bottom of the page. You are not yet registered for these courses.

Step 3: Click the Submit Changes button at the bottom of the page. Assuming there are no other restrictions that would prevent you from enrolling in the sections, you will be enrolled in the two CRNs. Check you schedule to verify the two sections you wanted have been added.

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DUPL CRSE WITH SEC-xxx message

This status message indicates that the course in which a student is trying to enroll has the same subject and number of a sectionthe student has already enrolled in. You may only enroll in one section of any course in Banner.

Topics Courses: If a student needs to register for two sections of a Topics Course,he or shewill need to request an override to allowto register in two sections of a course with same subject and number. See the instructions below togrant aDuplicate registration override.



  1. Sign-in to Banner
  2. Select the Faculty/Staff Services tab
  3. Select Registration Overrides
  4. Select a term and click on Submit
  5. On the Student/Advisee ID Selection page, enter student’s BID OR last and first name.
  6. On the Registration Override page under Override selectDuplicate. Under Course, select the course for which you are granting the override.
  7. Click Submit to confirm
  8. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  9. If you need to grant an override to another student, select the ID Selection link at the bottom of the page
  1. Sign-in to Banner Admin
  2. Open the SFASRPO form
  3. Enter student’s BID or name (Last, First) and hit Enter
  4. Enter a term
  5. Move to the lower block by clicking on the Next Block icon or pressing Ctrl+ Page Down
  6. Under Permit, enterDUP and hit Enter
  7. Under CRN, enter the CRN for which you are granting special permission. Hit Enter
  8. Click on Save or hit F10
  9. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  10. If you need to grant an override to another student, clear the information block (use the Roll Back icon), then clear the key block (press Shift+F4 or just backspace the BID and hit Enter)

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DUPL EQUIV WITH SEC - xxx message

This status message indicates thatthe class in which a student is trying toenroll is equivalent to another class (CRN) for whichthe studenthas already registered or which was taken previously

If you encounter this error message, please notify your department or the Registrar's Office.

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Matriculated (Degree-Seeking) students: This status message indicates that enrolling in this course would givea student more than 19 hours of credit. In order to enroll in more than 19 hours in a semester,the students mustseetheir department secretary to request an override to enroll in more than 19 hours.

Non-Degree Seeking students: This status message indicates that enrolling in this course would give a student more than 11 hours of credit. In order to enroll in more than 11 hours in a semester,the studentmust get approval from the Assistant to the Dean for Academic Standards and Intervention who will determine ifthe studentmay enroll in more than 11 hours.

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This status message indicates that you are attempting to register for a section that you are currently registered for. Banner will not permit you to enroll in this course. Contact the Registrar’s Office directly at 716-878-4811 for more information and to verify if the registration can be permitted.

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This status message indicates that you a studentis attempting to register for a non-repeatable course that s/he

* are currently already taking
* have taken at BSC and received a grade of C or better
* have received transfer credit for
* have exceeded max credits allowed for course

Students who are granted an approved petition stating they can take a non repeatable course a third time need to present a copy of their approved petition to the instructor teaching the course for an override.

The override to be given is called REPEAT HRS.



  1. Sign-in to Banner
  2. Select the Faculty/Staff Services tab
  3. Select Registration Overrides
  4. Select a term and click on Submit
  5. On the Student/Advisee ID Selection page, enter student’s BID OR last and first name.
  6. On the Registration Override page under Override selectRepeat Hours. Under Course, select the course for which you are granting the override.
  7. Click Submit to confirm
  8. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  1. Sign-in to Banner Admin
  2. Open the SFASRPO form
  3. Enter student’s BID or name (Last, First) and hit Enter
  4. Enter a term
  5. Move to the lower block by clicking on the Next Block icon or pressing Ctrl+ Page Down
  6. Under Permit,select Repeat Hrs from the drop down box
  7. Under CRN, enter the CRN for which you are granting special permission. Hit Enter
  8. Click on Save or hit F10
  9. Notify the student about the granted override. The student still needs tologin to Banner and register for the course
  10. If you need to grant an override to another student, clear the information block (use the Roll Back icon), then clear the key block (press Shift+F4 or just backspace the BID and hit Enter)

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This status message indicates that a student isattempting to register for a section that is over-lapping in day/time with another section thatthe student isalready registered for.
The error message will also notifythe studentof the CRN that is causing the time conflict.

Banner will stopstudents from registering from two courses that are being offered at the same day/time or from registering from a section that starts at the same time a coursethe studentshave already registered for ends (for example: you are registered for CWP101

Section 00 CRN#0000 that is being offered MWF 11:00am-11:50am and you are attempting to register for MAT103 Section 00 CRN#0000 that is being offered MWF 11:50am-12:40pm.

If you need to grant a TIMEoverride,select "TIME" from the override code drop-down in SSB or INB (SFASRPO).

Registration Restrictions and Overrides | Banner @ Buffalo State (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.